[email protected] +91 8692872878


- Avantika Mathur

Working with Sahasee has been one of the most heart touching and incredible experiences. The people in Sahasee are wonderful to work with, kind hearted and open minded staff. I have always felt so welcome and it's commendable to create such a safe space in a dangerous place at turbhe, it takes courage, strength and extreme patience. I would like to give my sincere regards to all.

Thank you
Avantika Mathur

- Sangeeta Ghosh

There are angels on earth who come here to make others' lives beautiful and meaningful. They never think of themselves, only live for others and work for humanity, for their own satisfaction, when we see the works of Sahasee Embers we feel like that. You are showing us how to bloom flowers in the places where even sunlight never enters , how to bloom lotus in the dirty muds , you show us where there is a will one can definitely find a way if they really want to do so and that is exactly what you guys are doing.

Kudos to Sahasee Embers organisation, Turbhe Vashi , Grand salute to each and one you for giving shelter to those who really needed and deserve love, care , food , education , and above all a secured shelter . You are providing all those with genuine care. Our best wishes. Keep up the good work for the service of Humanity . 💓☺️ May God bless you abundantly to continue your outstanding humanitarian service ❤️🙏

Sangeeta Ghosh
Centurion President

- Umera Kelkar

A special Volunteer meet is being organised at Sahasee Embers. I wanted to take a moment to express my gratitude for the opportunity to visit your organization and witness firsthand the incredible work that you do. From the moment I stepped through the door, I was impressed by your dedication to making a positive impact in the community.

The level of compassion and commitment displayed by your staff was truly inspirational. It was clear to me that everyone I met had a deep understanding of the issues facing the community and a sincere desire to help make a difference. The passion and energy with which they approach their work was genuinely inspiring.

I was also incredibly impressed by the range of services and programs that you offer to those in need. From providing access to clean water to healthcare services and education, your organization is making meaningful contributions to improve the lives of so many people. Your focus on sustainability and long-term impact was also evident throughout my visit.

Overall, the experience left a lasting impression on me, and I feel honored to have had the chance to see your work up close. Thank you once again for all that you do, and I look forward to following your progress and supporting your efforts in any way that I can.

Best Regards,
Umera Kelkar
Human Resource

- Mervyn D'mello

The earth laughs in flowers 🌺. Never lose an opportunity to see anything beautiful for beauty is the handwriting of God’

The work of Sahasee Embers is a work of beauty!

To see, to pause, to behold your work in the lives of so many vulnerable children over the years, is to see, pause and behold the beautiful hand writing of God!

Pray God continually bless the work of your hands.

With deep gratitude,